Give back by purchasing a present for a child in foster care

Fifteen-month-old Kaylee needs board books this holiday season. Five-year-old Timothy would like some LEGOs. Baby Nathan needs diapers and pajamas, and 13-year-old Aaliyah would really love a bracelet-making kit.
This winter, you can put a smile on a foster child’s face by purchasing a present for Oakland Family Services’ annual Foster Care Holiday Party. We are looking for donors to purchase $25 gifts for 148 children and teens in foster or kinship care.
"The holidays can be particularly difficult for children in foster care,” said Katie Henwood, Engagement and Special Events Coordinator. “Purchasing a gift for our Foster Care Holiday Party is a small way to make the world a little brighter for a child going through a tough time. It's also a nice alternative for those who might be interested in our Adopt A Family program, but aren't able to adopt an entire family."
Each child or their caregiver has shared an item they need or want. You can read through our wishlist to select a child whose gift you would like to buy.
Visit Oakland Family Services’ SignUpGenius to see each child’s name, age, gender and gift wish.
Sign up for a child or multiple children by clicking the box next to their name, inputting your contact information and submitting it. You will receive a confirmation from SignUpGenius.
Wrap the gift and label it with the child’s name. (This is very important, so we know who the gift is for.)
Deliver your gift to Oakland Family Services (114 Orchard Lake Road, Pontiac, MI 48341) during one of the windows listed below. Please come into the lobby, give the gift to the receptionist and let her know it's for the foster care party.
Tuesday, Nov. 8, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 22, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 28, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Henwood at or (248) 858-7766 ext. 1218.